Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 August.
A weekend of alternative films, poetry, performance and art over two floors at the brand new KRAAK venue and gallery.

Saturday 28
And who better to preside over this ramshackle bacchanal than Mr David Hoyle, who will be presenting the second installment of ‘KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY’.
As his special guest, David has chosen his old sparring partner, the unforgettable Gerry Potter Poet, once Chloe Poems, always a true legend.
Bethany Black & ZsaZsa Noir
Enlivened, as always, by musical mayhem from DJs Jayne Compton, Brutal Ruth, and Elvis til the early hours.
Sunday 29
Poetry on the Sunday 4-6pm
Dominic Berry
Rod Tame
Fergus Evans
Fiona Brehony
Jackie Hagan,
vanessa Faye and Steph Pike
Stevensons Square. Northern Quarter
Behind Hula Bar. Manchester M1 1ES
4 pm til 3 am