Swalf15 Released 23/02/09
Format 10″ / Digital

Magic Arm is another solo poppet, another Sam, this time Samuel Beam. His trippy brand of electronic pop reminds me a tiny bit of the likes of Tiga crossed with late period Simian, Patrick Wolf or Clor. On ‘Bootsy Wootsy’ an unobtrusive DIY beat is topped with giddy accordian-like keyboard flourishes, subtle bass bloops & overall a chirpy, whirring electro-pop catchiness. His dreamy vocals, simple, pure & memorably sing-song. A quality opener. Elsewhere, jazzy flickers & wistful piano prop up some fragile, unique home-spun pop. The heartening cover of LCD Soundsystem’s ‘Daft Punk is Playing…’ I actually prefer to the original. It reminds me a little of The Beta Band in it’s juddering toytown-hop majesty!
Elsewhere on side 2 you get a curious Balkan folk flecked waltz that somehow reminds me both of Tunng & Beirut whilst resembling neither! 6 tracks on here, culminating in a fine remix of the opening number, a Postal Service-ish floor-filler at your local indie disco I guarantee! Watch this boy, he’s wowing them out there & that Iron & Wine chappie has been waxing lyrical about his effortless songsmithery & POP prowess. Miss this 10″ EP at your peril
Norman Records

6 track EP featuring:
1. Bootsy Bootsy
2. Break My Lungs
3. Daft Punk Is Playing In My House
Side B
4. My My
5. Said Things
6. Bootsy Bootsy – The Real Dolls Remix